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Department of Fisheries Oceanography / SMAST seminar - September 20, 2017 - Min-Yang Lee

When: Wednesday, September 20, 2017
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Where: > See description for location
Description: Department of Fisheries Oceanography

Fishery Management, Prices, and Revenues in the Atlantic Sea Scallop IFQ Fishery

Min-Yang Lee
Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

SMAST E, Room 101/102
836 South Rodney French Boulevard, New Bedford, MA

Individual Fishing Quotas (IFQs) are generally thought to increase ex-vessel prices, largely by ending the “race to fish.” The Atlantic Sea Scallop fishery implemented an IFQ in 2010 for a small portion of the fishery. Prior to the IFQ program, the General Category (GC) fleet received slightly higher prices than the Limited Access (LA) fleet. During the transitional phase-in to the IFQ program, the IFQ fleet received moderately lower prices. After the IFQ program was implemented, the IFQ fleet received prices that were approximately fifty cents higher per pound. We use econometric methods from the policy analysis literature to examine the effects of the IFQ program on prices and ex-vessel value. Our findings suggest many small changes combined to produce this effect. We find that the GC vessels received higher prices for large scallops compared to the LA vessels; this premia turned into a discount during the transition period, and partially re-emerged during the IFQ regime. Second, we find that the IFQ fishery shifted its output mix slightly towards larger sized scallops. Finally, the simple law of demand explains a portion of the outcome for the IFQ fishery: market prices are lower on days with high landings.

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