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ECE Seminar: Speaker: Dr. Li Zhang, Visiting Scholar, UMASS Dartmouth

When: Friday, April 20, 2018
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Science & Engineering Building, Lester W. Cory Conference Room: Room 213A
Cost: Free
Description: Topic: Personalized Quality Prediction for Dynamic Service Management Based on Invocation Patterns

Location: Lester W. Cory Conference Room, Science & Engineering Building (SENG), Room 213A

In modern computing environments (e.g., cloud computing, edge computing), services might need to be selected or replaced at runtime and thus they need to be managed dynamically. For services with similar functionality, the most suitable services for a user can be selected based on an evaluation of the quality (QoS) of these services. In dynamic environments like the cloud, further personalization is also paramount. In this talk, I will present a personalized QoS prediction method, which considers impacts of the network, server environments and users input. The method analyzes previous users behavior and further extracts invocation patterns from monitored QoS data through pattern mining. The QoS is then predicted based on invocation QoS patterns and current user invocation features.

Li Zhang is a faculty member in Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. She is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Northeastern University, China in 2013. Her research interests include service computing, service quality prediction, stream data analysis. She has over 20 publications on the international conferences and journals. Her research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

The Seminars is open to the public free of charge.

*For further information, please contact Dr. Liudong Xing at 508.999.8883, or by via email at
Topical Areas: General Public, University Community, College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering