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CIE to hold Piranha Pond Pitch Party!

CIE to hold Piranha Pond Pitch Party!
When: Thursday, September 15, 2016
5:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Cost: $35, Free for students
Description: What is the Piranha Pond? It is a "pitch party" where a select group of entrepreneurs has up to 5 minutes to convince a panel of investors to meet with them to further discuss their ventures. Using a format similar to the popular television show Shark Tank, our investors provide feedback to the entrepreneurs about their presentations and companies, and information to all about why they decide to be "in" or "out."

Held at CIE, 151 Martine Street, Fall River, MA.
Topical Areas: Faculty, General Public, Staff and Administrators, Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Law, Students, Undergraduate, University Community, Accounting and Finance, _Charlton College of Business, Decision and Information Science, MBA or Graduate, Management and Marketing, CIE: Center for Innovation & Entrepeneurship