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Master of Science Project Defense by Carlson Alberto Magina

When: Friday, December 8, 2017
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: Textiles Building 101E
Cost: Free
Description: Topic: Transducers for Acoustic Helicoidal Beams

Location: College of Engineering Conference Room, Textiles Building (TXT), Room 101E

A piezoceramic transducer using two orthogonal dipoles driven in phase quadrature to create an acoustic helicoidal Bessel beam (HBB) with constant amplitude and phase varying linearly with azimuthal angle. The HBB has the capability of causing axial forces (torque) on the object that the beam is reflecting from. A disc and sphere were used to create two proof of principle units along with experimental results including directional factors, and computed receive phase vs. bearing angle.

NOTE: All ECE Graduate Students are ENCOURAGED to attend.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Open to the public.

Advisor: Dr. David A. Brown

Committee Members: Dr. Paul J. Gendron and Dr. Dayalan P. Kasilingam, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Dr. Corey Bachand, BTech Acoustics, LLC

*For further information, please contact Dr. David A. Brown at 508.999.8479, or via email at
Topical Areas: General Public, University Community, College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering