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Physics Dept Colloquia - Becoming Interplanetary: A Space Analog for the Moon and Mars

When: Thursday, February 18, 2021
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Online
Description: The UMASS Dartmouth Physics Department Colloquia

A weekly seminar series of fully online colloquia featuring speakers from around the globe.

Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021

Time: 6:00pm

Zoom Link:

Title: Becoming Interplanetary: A Space Analog for the Moon and Mars

Speaker: Kai Staats, Project Lead


As we head to the Moon and Mars, filmmaker, inventor, and freelance researcher Kai Staats will share the challenges of our species working to become interplanetary. Kai is principal designer and Director of SAM at B2, a hi-fidelity Mars habitat analog at Biosphere 2. Now three weeks into construction, this facility will later in 2021 provide visiting teams an opportunity to live inside a hermetically sealed crew quarters and attached greenhouse with life support enabled by a hybrid mechanical/bioregenerative air recycling system.

SAM was born of the effort to develop SIMOC, a research-grade computer simulation now hosted by National Geographic (, and will in the future become the AI-based control system for SAM.

Kai holds an MSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of Capetown and has worked in the application of evolutionary computation for data analysis in radio and gravitational wave astronomy, and design of antennae for neutrino detectors.

For additional information please contact Dr. Robert Fisher ( or Dr. Renuka Rajapakse (
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: Faculty, General Public, SMAST, Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Undergraduate, Bioengineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Co-op Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics