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Jump-Start a Story Creative Writing Special Event

When: Wednesday, March 3, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Where: > See description for location
Description: On Wednesday, March 3rd from 10am-11:30am, the Multiliteracy and Communication Center's Creative Writing Workshop is hosting a unique event with visiting authors, "Jump-Start a Story." Please see below for the event description. Contact Nicole O'Connell ( for additional information and the Zoom link.

The Surrealists used to pool their money and buy a one-way ticket to the furthest destination they could afford. They'd send one person off on an adventure, and they'd have to make their way back somehow and tell the others all about it when they returned. Along the way, they'd collect talismans that helped them navigate the dark places they encountered. In this online workshop, we'll be sending each of you off on an adventure, and when you get back, you'll have the outline of a short story.
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: University Community