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November Mini-Session: Student Engagement &Teaching International Students

When: Tuesday, November 15, 2016
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: Claire T. Carney Library, Room 314
Description: Facilitated by: Matthew Roy, Deirdre Healey, & Nicholas Santavicca

Please join us in a conversation with Matt Roy and Deirdre Healey (Leduc Center for Civic Engagement) and Nicholas Santavicca (STEM Education & Teacher Development) on how to develop and implement new teaching strategies. The first discussion centers on civic engagement and the second on our international students. The talks will focus on different activities involving cooperative learning as well as on topics geared to common “barriers” to student success when teaching international students.

Lunch will be provided, please sign up through the main event calendar.
Topical Areas: Training, Workshop, audience: Faculty, topic: Faculty Development
Registration: Registration is required for this event. If you do not see a registration box or a UMassD Login form here: