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A Day in the Life of a UMassD Student

When: Thursday, April 18, 2019
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: OFD Lounge, Library 220
Description: Have you ever wondered what the day-to-day lives of your students look like? What responsibilities and obligations do they have outside our classrooms? How can some insight into students’ experiences help us rethink our approaches to teaching and learning?

Join us for a panel discussion with several UMassD students, including Jessica O’Reilly (College of Nursing), Kassidy Cestodio (Biology/CAS), and Haley Jackson (CVPA). The discussion will be moderated by Jay Zysk (English; Office of Faculty Development).

Lunch will be provided, please register through the main event calendar.
Topical Areas: Training, Workshop, audience: Faculty
Registration: Registration is required for this event. If you do not see a registration box or a UMassD Login form here: