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Department of Fisheries Oceanography Seminar Announcement - Dr. Steve Cadrin

When: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: > See description for location
Description: School for Marine Science and Technology
Department of Fisheries Oceanography
Weekly Seminar Announcement

“A Modern Revival of the Stock Concept in Fisheries”

Dr. Steve Cadrin
School for Marine Science and Technology, UMASS-D

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
SMAST East Rooms 101/102
And via Zoom

The unit stock concept has been recognized as a theoretical assumption of conventional stock assessment since the early stages of fisheries science. Russell’s initial derivations of sustainable yield in 1931 began with the assumption “Let us simplify the problem down to its bare essentials by considering a completely self-contained stock of fish of one particular kind living in a large area which is systematically fished”, thereby established the axiom of the stock concept. In the 1960s and 1970s, David Cushing refined ‘the idea of a unit stock’ to describe dynamics of self-sustaining populations. The importance of delineating stocks increased after claims of national and international fishery management jurisdictions in the 1980s, and John Gulland defined highly migratory species that straddle jurisdictional boundaries. Most stock assessment models continue to assume that no fish movement into or out of the stock area, extensive mixing of fish within the stock area, and relatively homogeneous rates of growth, mortality, and reproduction within the stock area. Although these assumptions are clearly stated in stock assessment texts, they have been frequently ignored or casually dismissed. Recent technological advances led to the identification of complex population structure for many species, and case studies demonstrate that ignoring population structure can lead to misperceptions of stock status and fishery failures. These findings, as well as increased spatial resolution of fishery data and the development of spatial methods for stock assessment, promoted the re-consideration of population structure in fishery science. The revival of the stock concept as a major feature of stock assessment led to the development of best practices for stock identification, stock delineation based on plausible population structure, and spatially explicit modeling.

Bio: Steve Cadrin is a Professor at SMAST. He has a PhD in Fisheries Science from University of Rhode Island, a MS in Marine Biology from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and a BS in Marine Science from Long Island University. He has been a stock assessment scientist for over 30 years, previously with the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole and the Massachusetts Marine Fisheries. His accomplishments include the advancement of stock assessment methods for a range of invertebrate and fish species, fishery management advice for regional, national and international fisheries, and global leadership in evaluating geographic stock structure and modeling spatially complex populations. He has chaired several regional, national and international working groups and committees and has convened workshops, symposia, and conferences for the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas, National Marine Fisheries Service, New England Fishery Management Council, American Fisheries Society and the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Steve received the American Fisheries Society’s Oscar E. Sette Award for sustained excellence in marine fishery biology, the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s 2021 Scholar of the Year Award, and the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative’s Excellence in Mentoring Inaugural Award. He is also Past President of the American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists. His teaching and research agendas focus on population modeling, stock identification, fisheries management, collaborative research with fishermen, and application of advanced technologies for fishery science.
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Topical Areas: School for Marine Sciences and Technology, SMAST Seminar Series