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Showing of the movie Interstellar

When: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Woodland Commons
Description: March 29
A closer look at the movie Interstellar

2-5 p.m. Showing of the movie "Interstellar"
Lawrence Hall, Woodland Commons

The 2014 blockbuster hit will be shown in Woodland Commons at no charge. Story line: A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival.

5-6 p.m. Interstellar: the real science behind the movie – Stoico/FIRSTFED Foundation Grand Reading Room

Hear from UMass Dartmouth professors who study black holes and the science principles behind the movie. There will be 10-minute presentations from Physics Professors Gaurav Khanna, Richard Price, David Kagan, Robert Fisher, and SMAST Professor Geoffrey Cowles followed by a Q&A.

6-7 p.m. Panel discussion featuring Kip Thorne, the scientist behind Interstellar – Stoico/FIRSTFED Foundation Grand Reading Room

Kip Thorne is a renowned physicist who was the originator and guiding hand of the 2014 blockbuster movie "Interstellar." He recently received international acclaim for working with Dr. Rai Weiss of MIT utilizing the billion-dollar LIGO facility to detect gravitational waves.

He will be joined by UMassD Physics Professors Robert Fisher, David Kagan, Gaurav Khanna, Richard Price, as well as SMAST Professor Geoffrey Cowles, Philosophy Professor Maureen Ekert,and Art History Professor Tom Stubblefield to provide a variety of perspectives to the movie experience.

7-8 p.m. Showing of the movie "Interstellar"
Stoico/FIRSTFED Foundation Grand Reading Room

The 2014 blockbuster hit will be shown in the Stoico/FIRSTFED Foundation Grand Reading Room at no charge. Story line: A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival.

Contact: Grant O'Rielly 508.999.8483 or Sigal Gottlieb 508.999.8205.
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