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Joint Mechanical (MNE) and Engineering and Applied Sciences (EAS) Seminar

When: Friday, September 27, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where: Textiles Building 101E
Description: Joint Mechanical Engineering (MNE) and Engineering and Applied Sciences (EAS) Seminar

September 27, 2019

2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.

Textile Building, Room 101E

Dr. Varghese Mathai,
Postdoctoral Researcher, Brown University

Bubbles, Particles and Soft Membranes in Flows: Towards Improved Mixing, Heat Exchange and Energy Extraction

The interaction of particles, bubbles, and soft materials with flows produces an intriguing variety of flow modifications and emergent phenomena, many of them advantageous in engineering applications. In this talk, I with discuss two broad classes of problems where we introduced deformable bubbles and membranous structures in high Reynolds number flows.

In the first part of this talk, I will focus on how air bubbles (and buoyant particles) suspended in a flow can be utilized towards an exact quantification of the turbulence level. To this end, we begin with tiny air bubbles seeded in a turbulent water flow. Using a combination of experiments, direct numerical simulations and point-particle based modeling, we establish a relation to predict the turbulence parameters by tracking the Lagrangian dynamics of the bubbles.

Next, I will address the case of finite sized buoyant particles - namely gas bubbles and biphasic vapor bubbles - and discuss how they can be manipulated to enhance the liquid phase agitation, mixing, and heat transfer in multiphase flows.

In the second part of my talk, I will discuss the fluid-structure interactions of soft elastic membranes in high Reynolds number flows. We will highlight the benefits of compliant membrane structures over rigid shapes, and discuss how they enable improved energy extraction, drag reduction and better stability in a variety of hydro- and aerodynamic settings.

Varghese Mathai obtained PhD degree in 2017 from University of Twente, the Netherlands. His research interests are in high Reynolds number dispersed multiphase flows and fluid-structure interactions of membranous structures. He was recipient of the 2018 European COST Prize for best research in Fluid Mechanics. At Brown, he has been working with Kenny Breuer, on bio-inspired membrane flows.

For more information please contact Dr. Caiwei Shen, MNE Seminar Coordinator (, 508-999-8449).

All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.

Students taking MNE-500 are REQUIRED to attend! All other MNE BS and MS students are encouraged to attend. EAS students are encouraged to attend.

Thank you,

Sue Cunha, Administrative Assistant
Mechanical Engineering Department
Topical Areas: Faculty, General Public, Staff and Administrators, Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Undergraduate, University Community, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering