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Gender In/Justice and Authoritarianism in Russia

When: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality
Description: Russia's war on Ukraine came as a shock to the world despite the fact that Russian feminists and LGBTQ activists have been sounding the alarm over rising forms of state violence and authoritarianism for many years. From Pussy Riot's resistance and imprisonment in 2012 to the current moment, Vladimir Putin's regime has been waging a war on feminism and the concept of "gender" as part of a nationalist project that is intimately intertwined with the war, the growing repression in Russia, and Putin's continued hold on power. Join Dr. Katie Krafft (CJS/URB) to hear about these histories and consider possibilities for transnational feminist solidarity.
Topical Areas: Students, Sociology, Anthropology, Crime and Justice Studies, Research, Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Lectures and Seminars, Student Affairs