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Physics Master of Science Research Project by Logan Cabral

When: Monday, August 21, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: > See description for location
Description: Physics Master of Science Research Project by Logan Cabral

Date: August 21, 2023

Time: 10:00am

Topic Numerical Simulations of Idealized Towed Body Wakes of Underwater Vehicles Operating at Low Froude Number in a Realistic Ocean

Location: SENG -102

Underwater towed and self-propelled bodies generate trailing wakes in their paths. Such wakes contain valuable information and leave signatures that can be exploited for advanced detection and tracking to enhance Naval operations. This study examines signatures of low Froude number wakes (Fr = [0.2, 4]) in low and high-energy internal wave environments, under weak Coriolis influence, and with a focus on stratification levels relevant to submarine open ocean operating depths. In the models employed, wakes are initialized with density anomalies and velocity defects. In isolation, density anomalies generate wake signatures of internal gravity waves, resulting in the dissipation of kinetic energy radiating away from the source. The introduction of Coriolis leads to the observation of non-zero vertical vorticity in density anomalies, a phenomenon absent without Coriolis. Velocity defects produce signatures of kinetic energy and give rise to quasi-2-dimensional vortices. Coriolis plays a significant role in the evolution of the velocity defect, inducing noticeable shearing, particularly with stronger Coriolis effects. In low-amplitude internal wave environments with Coriolis, the wakes exhibit meandering patterns and form quasi-2-dimensional eddies. In contrast, high-amplitude internal wave environments cause wakes with low Froude numbers to rapidly succumb to wave perturbations. Consequently, the density anomaly and velocity defect signatures mix with the surrounding environment, rendering them indistinguishable from the background internal waves.

Dr. Miles Sundermeyer, SMAST/Estuarine & Ocean Sciences (

All PHY Graduate Students are ENCOURAGED to attend.

Open to the public. All interested parties are invited to attend.
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Topical Areas: Faculty, Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Undergraduate, Bioengineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Co-op Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics