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ELE Master of Science Thesis Defense by Avery Thomas Jackson-ECE

When: Friday, December 15, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Where: > See description for location
Cost: Free
Description: Topic: Electronic Design for Driving Orthogonal and Tertiary Dipoles for Acoustic Spiral Waves

Location: Lester W. Cory Conference Room, Science & Engineering Building (SENG), Room 213A

Zoom Conference Link:

This thesis explores the application of custom signal generation circuits with amplitude and phase control, paired with purpose-built amplifiers, to drive underwater piezoceramic transducers. These transducers are electroded so that orthogonal and tertiary acoustic dipoles can be individually driven to generate spiral waves. The acoustic dipoles, in addition to generating spiral waves, are utilized to determine the bearing angle of an incoming pulse and potentially steer nulls. The research focuses on validating simple signal-generation methods for producing acoustic spiral waves, using various waveform shapes as input to amplifiers and comparing the results. The study also investigates practical engineering approaches using CODECs, DSP, and flip flops, characterizing their performance on underwater transducers. The implications of underwater acoustic spiral waves in navigation and active sonar applications are discussed, and radiation patterns are summarized.

Dr. David A. Brown, Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth

Committee Members:
Dr. Paul J. Gendron, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth;
Dr. Yifei Li, Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth

NOTE: All ECE Graduate Students are ENCOURAGED to attend.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Open to the public.

*For further information, please contact Dr. David A. Brown via email at
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: General Public, University Community, College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering