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Department of Fisheries Oceanography Seminar Announcement - John Zang

When: Wednesday, October 5, 2022
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: > See description for location
Description: The School for Marine Science and Technology
Department of Fisheries Oceanography
Seminar Announcement

"Assess the impact of physical forcings on phytoplankton dynamics and Atlantic Sea Scallop on the Northeast U.S. Shelf"

John Zang
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Wednesday, October 5, 2022
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
SMAST East, Rooms 101/102
and via Zoom

Continental shelves occupy only 10% of the world’s oceans, but disproportionately support more than 80% of the global fisheries due to their high productivity. As the foundation of the marine food web, phytoplankton convert inorganic nutrients to organic compounds, not only driving pelagic energy flow but also supporting benthic organisms through pelagic-benthic coupling. Phytoplankton dynamics are influenced by local and remote physical forcings, while it is often challenging to quantify the patterns and associated forcings at different spatiotemporal scales. Additionally, very few studies explore mechanistic links between phytoplankton production and benthic organisms such as Atlantic Sea Scallop, an important fishery species on the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES). Here, I apply a physical-biogeochemical model and an artificial neural network approach to explore phytoplankton dynamics from seasonal to interannual scales on the NES. The resulting biological and physical outputs are then used to drive an Atlantic Sea Scallop scope for growth model in order to assess the spatiotemporal variability of scallop energy budget and growth potential. Our modeling approach allows us to explore mechanisms linking physical forcings with lower and higher trophic levels including important fisheries species on the NES, and to identify knowledge gaps for a better understanding of ecosystem responses to a rapidly changing ocean.
Zoom Link
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Topical Areas: School for Marine Sciences and Technology, SMAST Seminar Series