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Introduction to Qualtrics

When: Monday, July 10, 2017
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cost: Free!
Description: UMass Dartmouth has selected Qualtrics as our Internet survey tool. All Faculty and Staff have access to create and publish their own surveys. Students may also use Qualtrics under the direction of a Faculty or Staff member. This workshop covers the authoring and administration of surveys, as well as data collection. Question types are covered in detail, and survey logic is also included. No previous survey experience is necessary.

Access to Qualtrics is managed by Jonathan Bonilla from the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment ( Faculty and Staff must request access at least three business days before the workshop date. You should let him know approximately how many surveys you expect to create, and how many will be active at the same time. Students must have a Faculty sponsor contact Jonathan on their behalf to activate their account.

This workshop takes place in the Library, room 135.

Contact Rich Legault for more information at 508-999-8799,
or email

Seating is limited, so please register today!
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: Training, Workshop, audience: Everyone
Registration: Registration is required for this event. If you do not see a registration box or a UMassD Login form here: