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Open Educational Resources 101

When: Wednesday, October 26, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Claire T. Carney Library, Office of Faculty Development
Description: OER 101: The Basics of Finding and Adopting Open Educational Resources
Wednesday, 10/26 at 1:00 pm
OFD Library 213

Facilitator: Emma Wood, Scholarly Communication Librarian

Have you considered whether your traditional textbook is the optimal centerpiece for your teaching and your students' classroom experience? Open Educational Resources (OER) are textbooks and other teaching materials that are openly licensed and free to use. OER have gained traction for their cost-savings to students, but there are numerous other benefits such as their customizable format and flexibility for sharing and remixing. Adopting OER is also an opportunity to promote equity because students have day one, consistent access to their materials. No more waiting for a late Amazon delivery or fumbling with login credentials for your students to get what they need for class. Let's talk about the basics of the OER model, the benefits, and resources for finding materials within your subject. We will also do some hands-on activities such as an "OER Taste Test" to compare excerpts from openly licensed materials with traditional copyrighted textbooks. Please join us for an introduction to OER and the ways that free teaching materials can not only save your students money, but can also bring an exciting component to your classroom that has the power to put everyone on the same page.

October 24 - 30, 2022 is International Open Access Week, and this workshop is a great way to focus on making information free, online, and open for all to use.

To register, please email Ellen Mandly at We encourage you to join our programs in person, especially if you are already on campus. If you are not, know that our programming will remain accessible through the continued offering of virtual participation. Please indicate modality preference when registering. Lunch will be provided for all in-person participants. Questions should be directed to
Topical Areas: Faculty, Students, Graduate, Faculty Development