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Opening Dialogue: Cultivating "Compassionate Challenge"

When: Wednesday, January 25, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Claire T. Carney Library, Office of Faculty Development
Description: At this year's New Approaches to Teaching and Learning Conference, Sarah Rose Cavanaugh focused her keynote talk on the idea of "compassionate challenge” on the negotiation and balance between cultivating empathy and understanding for our students while also creating rich and rigorous learning environments that cultivate complex thinking, intellectual discovery, the application of knowledge, and critical skills. In this opening dialogue, we'll discuss together some ways in which we can balance compassion and rigor, empathy and challenge in our courses this term. How can we talk about deadlines, attendance, preparation for class, and assessment in ways that will motivate and empower our students? How can we help our students meet intellectual challenges and take intellectual risks?

To register for the workshop please contact Ellen Mandly at

Directly following the workshop, we'll hold our OFD Welcome Back Lunch from 12:00-3:00 in the OFD suite (Library 212). Please stop by anytime for sandwiches, drinks, coffee, and cookies. There is no need to register for lunch; just stop by!
Topical Areas: Faculty, Students, Graduate, Faculty Development