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College of Nursing DNP Capstone Defense by Alicia Pimentel

When: Thursday, April 5, 2018
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Description: College of Nursing DNP Capstone Defense
Defense Title: Measuring the Impact of Adding Functional Descriptors to the Numeric Pain Rating Scale
Student Name: Alicia Pimentel, RN, BSN
Date/Time: April 5, 2018, 2-3:30 p.m., Textiles, room 012A
Contact Faculty: Shawna Butler,, (508) 999-9172

Pain is a complex phenomenon that impacts millions of Americans and has a large social and economic impact causing increased health care costs and lost money in wages. With the current concern of over use of opioids and climbing death rates related to opioid overdoses, the ability to effectively assess and manage pain has become a challenge. Nurses have a crucial role in properly assessing, treating and managing pain. The most commonly used pain assessment tool is the 0-10 Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NRS). The NRS is a single dimensional assessment tool measuring pain intensity. Functional descriptors were added to the 0-10 NRS to provide standard meaning to the numbers for both patients and providers. Patient pain scores were evaluated after the implementation of the revised scale. The ease of use by nursing staff in the acute care setting and the patient perception of the tool was also evaluated. Findings of the study concluded that the addition of functional descriptors did not have an impact on the patients reported pain score. The revised scale was well received by patients and nurses and results supported implementing a practice change in the organization.
Topical Areas: Faculty, Staff and Administrators, Students, Graduate, College of Nursing