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Italian Studies Seminar Series: Women's Literacy and Numeracy in Renaissance Florentine Mercantile Culture

When: Friday, April 6, 2018
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Where: > See description for location
Cost: 0
Description: Date: Friday, April 6, 2018
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: LARTS 397-D
Speaker: Deborah Pellegrino, New York University
Title: Italian Studies Seminar Series: Women's Literacy and Numeracy in Renaissance Florentine Mercantile Culture

Deborah Pellegrino is completing her Doctoral Dissertation in the Department of Italian Studies at New York University. She graduated with a degree in Foreign Languages and Literature from the University of Florence, Italy, and received her M.A. in Italian Studies from Boston College. Her research focuses on ricordanze and account books kept by women from the wealthy mercantile class in Renaissance Florence, and explores the compelling questions of women's literacy and numeracy. She is the author of 'I buoni ammaestramenti che a ogni ora e sopra ogni caso è riceverà da lui.' Un nuovo archetipo di padre mercante nei Ricordi di Giovanni di Pagolo Morelli, published in Quaderni d Italianistica (2014).
This event is part of the Italian Studies Seminar Series 2017, which is funded by the Provost's Departmental Seminar Series Grant for the Foreign Literature & Languages Department and History Department.

Light refreshments will be served. Please contact Prof. Rose Facchini at or Prof. Matthew Sneider at for more information.
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: Faculty, General Public, Students, Students, Undergraduate, College of Arts and Sciences, Foreign Literature and Languages, Lectures and Seminars