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Italian Studies Guest Speaker: David I. Kertzer, Brown University

When: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Where: > See description for location
Description: Italian Studies Guest Speaker: David I. Kertzer, Brown University
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Time: 3:00 PM
Place: Zoom Webinar

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The Pope Who Would Be King: Pius IX And The Roman Revolution Of 1848
Of the many popular revolts that swept away the rulers of Europe in the revolutionary year of 1848, none was more dramatic than that which drove the pope from Rome. Popes had ruled Rome and a broad swath of Italy for a millennium, yet finally, it seemed, the demands for popular sovereignty and an end to theocracy were bringing about an end to the Papal States and perhaps, some thought, to the papacy itself. Based on research in Italian, Vatican, and French archives, Kertzer unravels the drama, complete with a colorful cast of characters, a story marked by treachery, tragedy, hypocrisy, and international power politics.

Funded by the CAS Student Engagement Fund
Hosted by the departments of Foreign Literature & Languages (FLL), History (HST), and Religious Studies (REL)

Please visit our Facebook group UMass Dartmouth Italian Studies and the Foreign Literature and Languages Instagram to keep updated with our events and discussions on the Italian language, history, and culture. If you are interested in joining our groups, just send us a request and/or follow! Look out for future emails about our upcoming seminar series this semester.

Got questions? Want to join our mailing list? Contact:
Prof. Rose Facchini (FLL) -
Prof. Matthew Sneider (HST) -
Prof. Crystal Lubinsky (REL) -
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: Faculty, General Public, Staff and Administrators, Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Undergraduate, College of Arts and Sciences, Foreign Literature and Languages, History, Liberal Arts, Religious Studies, Lectures and Seminars