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Coping with Loss Support Group

When: Thursday, March 24, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where: Online
Cost: FREE
Description: Grief and loss are common experiences that many of us share. We can grieve over many different losses, including the loss of a loved one, the loss of social connections, the loss of a pet, the loss of a job, the loss of our sense of self, etc. Although these experiences are common to most of us, grief and loss can feel isolating, lonely, and overwhelming, particularly during the
COVID-19 pandemic when social connections are already limited. If you have experienced, or are currently experiencing, any type of grief and loss, you may benefit from joining the Coping with Loss Support Group. This group is open to all UMass Dartmouth students and is a space for students to support each other and discuss their feelings and experiences with grief and loss.

If interested in joining, please contact Nancy Harper, LICSW: or Meghan Silvia, MA: or contact that Counseling Center at (508) 999-8648 for more information.

When: Thursdays, 2pm-3pm
Starting February 17, 2022
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 987 5496 3259
Passcode: 099338
Topical Areas: Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Law, Students, Undergraduate