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Corsair Career Series - Effective Job and Internship Search Strategies

When: Thursday, March 24, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: MacLean Campus Center, Blue & Gold Welcome Center
Description: Learn tips and tricks on the most effective ways to conduct a search that yields results in finding opportunities. The Career Center will walk through several job and internship boards, key word searches, reading a job description, and understanding the application process. You will have time to create or edit a Handshake profile while the Career Center discusses how Handshake uses algorithms. We will also discuss applicant tracking systems. Students will leave the session with a completed individualized internship/job action plan.
Topical Areas: Faculty, SMAST, Staff and Administrators, Students, Students, Graduate, Students, Law, Students, Undergraduate, Career Center, Student Affairs, University Marketing