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Shakespeare's Birthday Lecture

When: Monday, March 28, 2022
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Claire T. Carney Library, Room 122, Grand Reading Room
Description: On Monday, March 28, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Library Grand Reading Room we will welcome Kristen Poole, Ned B. Allen Professor of English at the University of Delaware, who will speak on "Thinking Trees: Environmental Lessons from Shakespeare's Macbeth".

Dr. Poole is the author of two scholarly monographs on Shakespeare and early modern culture as well as the editor of three essay collections. She has published a wide range of articles on Milton, Shakespeare, and early modern literature in leading journals such as ELH, Shakespeare Quarterly, and Milton Quarterly.

The lecture will run about 40-45 minutes with time for Q&A following. This lecture will be an in-person event, following the most recent university-set modality of courses. Thus it's an exciting opportunity for students and faculty to come together for what promises to be an engaging and interesting exploration of environmental issues in Shakespeare's time, as well as in our own.

The lecture is co-sponsored by the Department of English and Communication and the College of Arts and Sciences.
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