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CPE Master of Science Thesis Defense and ELEC Research Component of PhD Qualifier Exam by Karen Alves da Mata (ECE)

When: Monday, November 27, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: > See description for location
Cost: Free
Description: Topic: Machine Learning for Predictive Resilience Modeling

Location: Lester Cory Conference Room, Science & Engineering Building (SENG), Room 213A

Zoom Conference Link:
Meeting ID: 960 9426 6375 Passcode: 031592

Resilience engineering studies the ability of a system to survive and recover from disruptive events, which finds applications in several domains. Most studies emphasize resilience metrics to quantify system performance, whereas recent studies propose statistical modeling approaches to project system recovery time after degradation. Moreover, past studies are either performed on data after recovering or limited to idealized trends. Therefore, this thesis proposes four alternative neural network (NN) approaches including (i) Artificial Neural Networks, (ii) Recurrent Neural Networks, (iii) Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), and (iv) Gated Recurrent Unit to model and predict system performance, including negative and positive factors driving resilience to quantify the impact of disruptive events and restorative activities. Goodness-of-fit measures are computed to evaluate the models and compared with a classical statistical model, including mean squared error and adjusted R squared. The results indicate that NN models outperformed the traditional model on all goodness-of-fit measures. More specifically, LSTMs achieved an over 60% higher adjusted R squared, and decreased predictive error by 34-fold compared to the traditional method. These results suggest that NN models to predict resilience are both feasible and accurate and may find practical use in many important domains.

Advisor(s): Dr. Lance Fiondella, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth

Committee Members: Dr. Liudong Xing, Professor & Graduate Program Director, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth; Dr. Ruolin Zhou, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UMASS Dartmouth; Dr. Gokham Kul, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer & Information Science, UMASS Dartmouth

NOTE: All ECE Graduate Students are ENCOURAGED to attend.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Open to the public.

*For further information, please contact Dr. Lance Fiondella via email at
Contact: > See Description for contact information
Topical Areas: General Public, University Community, College of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering