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Understanding the NSF

When: Thursday, November 16, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Where: Claire T. Carney Library, Office of Faculty Development
Description: Please come and join us as we examine the first steps in applying to the National Science Foundation, one of the major funding agencies in the country for basic research. We will hear from a panel of three faculty who have received NSF funding recently. They will discuss strategies and tips for applying to the NSF for funding.

Topic areas that will be discussed include how to find the right program; initial steps, strategies, and hints before you start writing; strategies and tips for crafting a successful proposal, particularly in the areas of the summary, broader impacts, and intellectual merit; and contacting program officers.

This program is designed as a starting place to gather information related to grants and funding opportunities for faculty. It will allow for open dialogue and a place where faculty can ask basic questions pertaining to funding. For example, how do I find what programs are available? Are there templates I can use to put together proposals? Are there other faculty who would be willing to help/share? What are some of the best practices former successful faculty have had in gaining these grants?
Topical Areas: Faculty, Faculty Development