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Department of Fisheries Oceanography / SMAST seminar - April 4, 2018 - Dr. Heather Leslie

When: Wednesday, April 4, 2018
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: New Bedford New Bedford, MA
Description: Department of Fisheries Oceanography

The Emerging Science of Coupled Social-Ecological Marine Systems

Dr. Heather M. Leslie
Director, Darling Marine Center
Libra Associate Professor, UMaine School of Marine Sciences

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

SMAST-E rm. 101/102
836 South Rodney French Boulevard, New Bedford, MA

Fisheries, by definition, include fish populations, fishers, and the ecological and social systems of which they are part. Recognizing these inherent links within coupled social-ecological systems has led to movement toward ecosystem-based management and more specifically, ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM). EBFM often emphasizes ecological connections, but understanding the social and economic landscapes in which fishers are embedded is equally vital. In this talk, I will highlight key elements in the emergence of coupled systems marine science, and specifically progress in understanding and applying knowledge of humans’ diverse roles in marine ecosystems to advance EBFM. I will share recent findings from projects I lead in the states of Baja California Sur, Mexico and Maine, USA. In both places, my colleagues and I are integrating knowledge and approaches from the social and environmental sciences in close collaboration with fishers and other coastal community members. Our goals are to advance understanding of these dynamic systems, and to contribute to policies and practices that build resilience of coastal marine ecosystems and the human communities that depend on them.

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Topical Areas: School for Marine Sciences and Technology, SMAST Seminar Series