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Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences Weekly Graduate Seminar - Dr. Boze Hancock

When: Wednesday, January 25, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Where: > See description for location
Description: “This seminar is dedicated to Dr. Brian Howes in honor of his substantial research and achievements as Chancellor Professor and Director of the Coastal Systems Program”

The School for Marine Science and Technology
Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences
Weekly Graduate Seminar Announcement

“Oysters, ecosystem services and nutrient management in coastal systems”

Dr. Boze Hancock
Senior Marine Habitat Restoration Scientist
The Nature Conservancy

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
SMAST East, Rooms 101/102
And via Zoom

As filter feeders and ecosystem engineers, oysters provide both pelagic-benthic coupling and structured habitat. Whether they occur in natural reefs or aquaculture settings. Together these attributes provide a suite of valuable ecosystem services, from job creation and shoreline stabilization to fish production and nutrient mitigation. Oyster reef is also the most globally imperiled marine habitat on record. Even with the addition of aquaculture there are far fewer oysters today than in recent history, making the addition of oysters to our coastal systems a priority. Quantifying the ecosystem services returned with restored oyster reef and increased aquaculture is the first step to using those services to incentivize investment in oyster reef restoration and support for the aquaculture industry. With over 60% of US coastal waters suffering from nutrient pollution there is an urgent need of options for managing nutrients, primarily nitrogen, in our coastal waters.
Measuring the nutrient mitigation value of oysters has come a long way over the last two decades and there are now initial attempts at frameworks for using oyster mediated nutrient mitigation as a management tool. The measurement and developing application of oyster mediated nutrient mitigation will be presented.
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Topical Areas: School for Marine Sciences and Technology, SMAST Seminar Series