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CCB Career Week - Handshake Launch Party

When: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Claire T. Carney Library, Room 122, Grand Reading Room
Description: Charlton College of Business celebrates Career Week. The Career Center kicks off its collaborative programming with a Handshake Launch Party.

Stop by to activate and complete your Handshake Profile! Students who complete their profiles will be ready for job and internship success. Don't forget to bring your device! Have questions about career and/or internships? We can also inform you about the career resources we offer and help you make an appointment with the Career Center! Registration is encouraged but not required.
Topical Areas: Students, Students, Graduate, Accounting and Finance, _Charlton College of Business, Decision and Information Science, MBA or Graduate, Management and Marketing, Career Center